Show Us Your Research! is a new platform created by the Group of Studies in Human Evolution (GEEvH – University of Coimbra, Portugal) and Núcleo de Arqueologia e Paleoecologia (NAP – University of Algarve, Portugal) to help diminish the gap between investigators and the public. Shows Us Your Research! consists in a publication where anthropologists and archaeologists, such yourself, will have the opportunity to present their past and ongoing projects to the general public. For example, If you submit a text it basically consists of an abstract of your own research or about any type of concept, theory, artefact, pathological condition, methodology, technique, etc., but aimed to non-anthropologists and non-archaeologists. 


From 2016 on, all contributions to SUYR! will also be included in the journal Cadernos do GEEvH.

Broadcasting will use GEEvH and NAP's mailing lists, social pages (Facebook, etc.), blogs, web pages and You tube, if you decide to send us a video. Show Us Your Research! works are also disseminated by:


- Blog Powered by Osteons by Dr Kristina Killgroove, USA

- Blog These Bones of Mine by David Mennear, UK


Please, do not forget that jargon is often the major obstacle between scientists and the non-specialist audience. Therefore, we invite you to send us a non-expert-friendly version. Do not worry; our editorial board will be more than happy to help you sanding the harsher contours of your research and ensure that it will flow smoothly to the public without loosing its scientific quality. Your research will only be published after your final approval of the text.


So, relax and Show Us Your Research!

Publications about Show Us Your Research! initiative:


Campanacho, V.; Pereira, T.; Nunes, M.J. 2015. Show Us Your Research! An anthropological and archaeological publication for the greater public. Paleopathology Newsletter, 170: 26.


Mennear, D. 2015. Introducing Show Us Your Research! An Open Access Anthropological Project. These Bones of Mine. Available at:


Mennear, D.J. 2017. Highlighting the Importance of the Past: Public Engagement and Bioarchaeology of Care Research. In: Tilley, L., Schrenk, A.A. (ed.) New Developments in the Bioarchaeology of Care: Further Case Studies and Expanded Theory. Switzerland, Springer International Publishing Switzerland: 343-364.